Monday, March 30, 2015


Ever wonder how dirty clothes get clean, or how lightening bugs glow? Why sodium chloride (table salt) is safe to eat, but a breath of chlorine gas or eating a grain of sodium can be deadly? All of these questions can be explained through chemistry and biochemistry. Chemical reactions and transfers of energy are what determine the world we live in. From the air we breathe to the vehicles that we use in daily transportation, the world is completely composed of chemistry.

The field of chemistry investigates what makes up everything around you; from why some things are solid and others are liquid to why some things stink and others smell sweet. Biochemistry is a field that specifically focuses on the chemistry of living things. At our booth the power of detergents will be analyzed, chemical luminescence will be explored, and the chemical effects of various salts will be investigated. Chemistry and biochemistry encompass everything on Earth to everything in the universe with many different career options available. Check out our booth to learn more and don’t forget, chemistry is all around us!

To learn more check out NDSU's chemistry & biochemistry website here.

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